Wednesday, July 14, 2010

The Jordanian Queen Rania's Fashion

The Jordanian Queen Rania has been turned into a royal fashion model, while the Jordanian people are dying of poverty, cold and hunger, and are kept in abject misery by the regime. The crass invoices paid by the Queen Rania in the jewelry and fashion
shops in the UK and other places around the world are not logical or rational if we take into consideration that Jordan depends almost completely on external financial aid, and that the majority of Jordanian people live under miserable conditions of poverty because the royalty blows whatever money they get for useless luxury. Anyone who sees Queen Rania wearing her luxurious clothes and talking about education and human rights could believe that Jordan is a paradise, but the sad fact is that most Jordanian women and people live in an abject level because of political neglect, poverty and unemployment, and wanton arrests and torture are the rule in Jordan. No wonder that the Jordanian regime produces extremists and suicide bombers. The continued violations of the dignity and human rights of the people, combined with poverty and hunger, are a fertile ground for producing extremists anywhere in the world, not only Jordan.

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